Part 1

Adding a New PageImage titled Add a Page to Blogger Step 1

  1. 1
    Go to Blogger. Use the link to the left or type "" into a browser window.
  2. Image titled Add a Page to Blogger Step 2
    Click on SIGN IN. It's in the upper-right corner of the window.
  3. Image titled Add a Page to Blogger Step 3
    Log in with your Google ID. If your Google account appears on the screen, click on it, otherwise, click on Add account.
  4. Image titled Add a Page to Blogger Step 4
    Enter your Google password and click on Sign in.
  5. Image titled Add a Page to Blogger Step 5
    Click on 🔽. It's next to the blog title that appears below the word "Blogger" in the upper-left corner of the window.
  6. Image titled Add a Page to Blogger Step 6
    Select a blog. In the drop-down menu, click on the title of the blog to which you'd like to add a page. It will be in either the "Recent blogs" or "All blogs" section.
  7. Image titled Add a Page to Blogger Step 7
    Click on Pages. It's on the left side of the window, in the first section of the menu.
  8. Image titled Add a Page to Blogger Step 8
    Click on New page. It's a gray button near the top-center of the window.
  9. Image titled Add a Page to Blogger Step 9
    Title your page. Do so in the "Page title" field at the top of the window.
    • Examples of typical page titles include "About me" or "Contact," however you can use any title you wish.
  10. Image titled Add a Page to Blogger Step 10
    Compose your page. In the white text field below the tool bar, type the content you want to include on your new page.
    • If you prefer to compose in or edit the page's HTML code, click on HTML in the upper-left of the window.
    • To save your work as you go or a draft of your page, click on Save in the upper-right part of the window.
  11. Image titled Add a Page to Blogger Step 11
    Click on Publish. It's in the upper-right part of the window. This takes your new page live on your blog.
    • To see what your page looks like before you save it, click on Preview in the upper-right part of the window.

Part 2
Adding the Pages Gadget

  1. Image titled Add a Page to Blogger Step 12
    Click on Layout. It's on the left side of the window in the Blogger dashboard menu.
    • If you haven't added it already, you need to add the Pages gadget to create links from your main blog to any pages you create.
    • If the Pages gadget has already been added to your blog, you don't have to do anything else to add your new page.
  2. Image titled Add a Page to Blogger Step 13
    Scroll down and click on ➕ Add a Gadget. Select a button in the part of the layout where you want your page links to appear, like the cross column or a sidebar.
  3. Image titled Add a Page to Blogger Step 14
    Scroll down and click on . It's to the right of "Pages."
  4. Image titled Add a Page to Blogger Step 15
    Click on Save. It's in the lower-left corner of the dialog box. This adds a menu of hyperlinks to your pages from your blog, allowing readers to navigate between them.
    • The default title for this menu is "Pages," but you can change it at the top of the dialog box before you click on Save.