Nouns with no plural form

These nouns are regarded as mass nouns . They do not have plural forms.
In the case where they are supposed to be pluralized,partitives are used with some of them. Theses partitives take on the plural forms on behalf these nouns. For example, 'sade gave  me two pieces of advice '. One could not have said that  'sade gave me two advice'. Below are more exanexam of such nouns.
1. Equipment
2. Silence
3. Coal
4. Luck 
5. Help
6. Mud
7. Advice 
8. Furniture
9. Information
10. Cutlery
11. Jewelry
12. Clothing
13. Armour 
14. Bread 
15. Property
16. Cattle
17. Scenery
18. Electorate
19. Mail
20. Police
21. Crowd
22. Staff
23. Clergy
24. Aircraft
25. Luggage
26. Pork
27. Beef
28. Traffic
29. Rubbish
30. Junk

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