Collective nouns are names of people,animals or things, animals or people. Below are common examples of collective nouns.
1. A faculty of academics
2. A troupe of acrobats
3. A cast of actors
4. A team of athletes
5. A babble of barbers
6. A bench of bishop
7. A troop of boy Scouts
8. A goring of bitcher
9. A sneer of butlers
10. A Slate of candidates
11. A college of Cardinals
12. A mass of Catholic
13. A decorum of deans
14. A board of directors
15. A staff of employees
16. A panel of experts
17. A trail of follower 
18. A peak of Frenchman
19. A party of friends
20. A talent of gamblers
21. A giggle of girls
22. A glitter of general
23. A herd of harlots
24. A gang of robbers
25. A bevy of ladies
26. A drift of lecturers
27. A colony of leaper
28. A worship of writers
29. A coven of witches
30. A flock of tourist 
31. A class of student 
32. A crew of sailor
33. A choir of singer
34. An army of soldiers
35. A posses of policemen
36. A house of senate
37. A crew of sailors
38. A flight of refugees
39. A crew of pilot
40. A host of angel
41. A hives of bees
42. A cast of crab
43. A flock of birds
44. A cast of actor
45. A fold of chairs
46. A pack of cards
47. A flight of wings
48. A fleet of cars
49. A suit of clothes
50. A clutch of eggs
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